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smoking symptoms

Recognizing smoking symptoms can save your life, and make you aware from the need to stop smoking. If you have any from the following symptoms you ought to see your family doctor as soon as possible.

If you're experiencing shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, it could be associated to smoking, causing heart disease, or emphysema. Heart disease would be a result of a narrowing of this arteries, in which there is a decreased oxygen flow.

Emphysema would be a result of a lung disorder in which smoking has damaged the aveoli inhibiting the exchange of oxygen to carbon dioxide. This disorder cripples lung capacity permanently.

Chest pain can be a sign of decreased blood flow to the heart, which can cause a heart attack. Difficulty swallowing, or continued hoarseness can be a sign of larynx, or even mouth cancer, also blood in the urine can be a sign of bladder cancer.

If you smoke and experience any of the following symptoms its imperative that you go to an emergency room right away, and contact your doctor. Seek medical help and get yourself checked out if you have frequent upper respiratory illness or colds.

Also if you have chest pains, usually do not delay, go right away. Persistent cough, or hoarseness, pain when swallowing, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, stroke symptoms like 1 sided facial or body weakness and difficulty talking.

Other symptoms include pain in your leg, or legs while you are walking, that goes away when you stop. Any sudden and unexplained loss of weight, or abdominal pain, may also be signs. If you experience any sudden changes in your health, seek medical attention.

Recognizing smoking symptoms will alert you to a possible medical condition that needs attention right away. Don't hesitate to seek medical assistance if you're experiencing any of these described symptoms.

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